The jurisdiction of the Court and Regulatory Tribunal is provided for under Article 8 of the QFC Law.
Article 8(2)C)
Article 8(2)(c) of the QFC Law provides that:
The Regulatory Tribunal shall have the jurisdiction to hear Appeals raised by individuals and corporate bodies against decisions of The QFC Authority, The Regulatory Authority, and other QFC institutions.
Article 8(3)(c)-(d)
Article 8(3)(c)-(d) of the QFC Law sets out the jurisdiction of the Court:
The First Instance Circuit of the Court shall have the jurisdiction to hear the following disputes:
Civil and commercial disputes arising from transactions, contracts, arrangements or incidences taking place in or from the QFC between the entities established therein.
Civil and commercial disputes arising between the QFC authorities or institutions and the entities established therein.
Civil and commercial disputes arising between entities established in the QFC and contractors therewith and employees thereof, unless the parties agree otherwise.
Civil and commercial disputes arising from transactions, contracts or arrangements taking place between entities established within the QFC and residents of The State, or entities established in the State but outside the QFC, unless the parties agree otherwise.
The Appellate Circuit of The Civil and Commercial Court shall have the jurisdiction to hear appeals against decisions of The First Instance Circuit, as well as appeals against decisions of The Regulatory Tribunal. A member shall not sit in The Appeals Circuit to look over an appealed judgment if such member was a member of the circuit that originally issued the judgment.
Law No. 2 of 2017
In addition, Law No. 2 of 2017 expands the jurisdiction of the Court where the Court has been selected as the “Competent Court” over arbitrations seated in Qatar.